Star Clean Cleaning Services in Tallahassee has been connecting people to professional house cleaning and other home services since 1999. In our short history, house cleaning professionals with the Happy House Cleaning service have helped clean thousands of homes and apartments in Tallahassee, Monticello, Wakulla, Leon County and beyond. Happy House Cleaning is your one-stop shop for whenever you need professional house cleaning services.

We have been a trusted cleaning service in Tallahassee since 1999. Our reputation speaks for itself. We offer affordable cleaning service prices, flat rates and even block rates.
Tallahassee locals know us by name. We are a trusted authority in Leon county for home and office cleaning services. We inspect and guarantee every cleaning that we perform.
We accept phone calls from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. (except Sundays). We know that people have busy work and hectic family schedules. Rest easy, we are open late to take your emails or phone calls until 10 p.m.
We know what cleaning products work and what cleaning products that our customers like. We can use any requested product or we can use eco friendly products as well.