Working in the cleaning industry for more than 22 years, providing affordable cleaning services!
We have helped several cleaning service businesses get their start in Florida, Mississippi, Nevada and more. Now, you can experience what it's like to use our services in Tallahassee FL. In business since 1999.
We insure you from not doing our job as good as we promise.
Quality Cleaning
Our cleaning history and regular clients prove that our service works.
Happy customers
Satisfaction is guaranteed. Star Clean has happy customers.
Tallahassee Cleaners
Jobs completed
Happy customers
Years of Experience
Star Clean Cleaning Services
Our Pricing
Here is a brief explanation of our pricing and services. Your actual price may be a bit higher or lower depending on your actual cleaning service needs and the size of your property. Call us for a more exact cleaning estimate.
At Starclean House and Office Cleaning we are ready and able to provide you with the best cleaning service experience that your money can buy. From our employee training and your satisfaction in a job well done to our communications regarding scheduling and billing, you will be happy.