Marc and Heidi D’Amelio, mom and dad to @Dixie D’Amelio and @charli d’amelio give us a tour of their pantry and closets to show us how they stay organized. Make sure to check out Marc and Heidi on their new podcast “Marc & Heidi: The Other D’Amelios” https://www.rambleofficial.com/marc-and-heidi.html
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Conspicuous consumption. Greed. Privilege. Entitlement.
Ridiculous acquisitiveness. Disgusting.
Wondering how healthy is this food ?😁😁
The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this: "the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left".
lmao cool all the things in this video costs more than my android phone from 2018
i peeped those modelos!! 👏🏼👏🏼
dixie is so similar to her mom, physically and from what I've seen, personality-wise too
one day i hope to be rich enough to be able to have a kitchen like that
All i have is stale cookies and rice
We rarely have any snacks to eat in my pantry 😭✋🏻
Heidi's closet is bigger than my house
This video just call me poor in all languages
Gucci! Gucci! Gucci!
Heidis closet is like my room lol
Dixie = Heidi but younger and Charlie = Marc but in a girl version but mixed with Heidi
Are they spending and living by their children income ?!
These people are incredibly boring.
The premium jumper electrophoretically walk because sunshine additionly yell with a necessary sentence. creepy, wakeful wrinkle
To you and anyone reading this: “you matter, you are appreciated, you are loved, you are God’s masterpiece.” Keep striving and never give up!
Bet she didn’t wear her mask when they went to the Bahamas
so are they naturally rich? Or is that just from dixie and charli's "fame"?
I am from Kentucky she went to the Kentucky Derby and I live in Kentucky
Mark is 52 😧😧😧😧
I can’t believe there’s no comments about how cute of a couple they are they’re so supportive of each other 🥺
He doesn't give me good vibes 🤢😬
"RAY-OHS" jarred sauce and more jarred sauce but in the same sentence, y'all are like any Italian. Of the Olive Garden kind?
I Love this family they are So cute for some reason I can’t explain they are so put together.I mean they are such a beautiful family.at least to me they are. Oh and there kids are so talented. Dixie I love her music her voice.I watch her music videos every morning. Charlie is the Queen of TikTok.it’s good to see ppl from where your from and So Talented and such beautiful ppl 😍💯Percent.
A beautiful family
They are such a cute couple honestly. Reminds me of high school hearts who fell in love and got married xd
This video said me poor in many different languages
Their closet is literally bigger than the master bedroom in my house i feel so poor now….
Am I the only one that thinks Heidi looks like Barbera Hershey?
Am I the only one that feels Dixie and Heidi always talk the same way
brb lemme go grocery shopping
They really called me poor 😞lol
I wish 😂
i love this fam