Mariana takes us on a tour of her fridge and shows us the ways she’s organized her shelves to fit her family’s daily routine. Keeping your fridge organized helps you maximize your storage while minimizing food waste.
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Why not put meat in freezer?
Onions that are not cut are best stored in a cool dark place, not the fridge, after all, when we purchase it, it is not found in the fridge right?
4 litre milk jugs are what we get, needs 2 b 1st and foremost.
Loved this video. Such great tips and info. I did a quick reorganization and I have so much more room!! ❤️❤️❤️
Did she just say she has a toddler and puts the milk into glass? That won't last long. As soon as the kid can open the door themselves, you should re-think!
This is definitely inspiring me to fully Kondo my fridge.
Bread, wraps and eggs should not be stored in a fridge. And why is there veggies in a drawer and on a shelf too? I agree decanting milk is pretty pointless, unless you are royalty… but I guess your butler would do it for you then anyway.
The key is to minimize the clutter
Where did you get the containers and lazy susan?
I like the clear bins but I have the freezer at the top so the top shelf in my fridge area is the coldest.
Yesssss!! Omggg this is making me miss the home edit even more. I need season 2 to hurry up and come out!