We’ve all seen those viral Tik Tok hacks being shared on social but do they really work? Jess and Shanon from the Good Housekeeping Team roll up their sleeves to try them out for themselves. Check out more of our Tik Tok Hack tests here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wdA2roCURo&list=PLPzXoCgS5eJ3zsaBDBm0qiUaawAtNOSe-
Love the brow hack……….please tell me you didn't use SPIT to dampen the Q-tip for the mascara hack. LOL
Love this duo!
Okay, I would never use saliva on a q-tip and place on on my eye. The mouth has way too much bacteria. Just put some water on it. Also, a little face primer on a q-tip makes cleaning up little mistakes very easy. You just kind of gently roll the moistened q-tip over the mistake.
Nice tips…girls must watch this 👍👍👍