Binging With Babish’s Andrew Rea took a break from baking a panettone to answer our impossible questions around iconic Christmas foods, both real and fictional. Find out Andrew’s thoughts on the infamous “Elf spaghetti” and even his opinions on the best pizza from the “Home Alone” franchise. Make sure to follow Andrew @BabishCulinaryUniverse and visit his site for the latest updates on his upcoming line of kitchen gear https://www.bingingwithbabish.com/
For more holiday food click here:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPzXoCgS5eJ0E0EFkBQw7cRaqnw7vtQXC
I'm just binging babish everywhere on YouTube
Any of these "popcorn" isn't the real popcorn and I doubt it would taste "okay" cause here in Sweden we only salt it while my mother explained to me that in German they prefer melted butter.
And yeah…talk to me goose…love ham and turkey, but goose for sure (although if you threw duck in there I’d probably go that route).
“On a radio show?!” Huge John Mulaney vibes 😂
andrew is so DELIGHTFUL. and when he mentioned john mulaney i combusted a little bit; they're two of my favorite guys on the internet
Should have asked about your beef with Ordinary Sausage.
You have a Panettone going?! You need to call Coco Peru!
In 30 years of roasting a turkey multiple time a year I’ve had only one dry one so I’m doing pretty well! The deep dish pizza you call Chicago style is really for the tourists. Most of us go for a thin crust.
Make ham from scratch? You mean you start with a piglet?
If the BCU was edited for boomers, this is what we'd get.
I came here for Babish but shoutout to the video editor! this was super entertaining even though it’s essentially just Andrew talking about what he always does. love the content!
Didn’t expect to get homesick while watching this, but then he had to go & mention Nuts On Clark.
<one tear slowly makes it way down her cheek>
using a clip from that terrible abomination of a movie instead of the 1967 classic animation Grinch is a crime
Babish needs to make the roast goose from A Muppet’s Christmas Carol!
I want this guy to do a crossover on a business blaze episode I could see cursey nutty Simon wissler would get on so well with babish
I wanna ask if he would spatchcock turkey of leave it whole
Wait how do you make the best tea, earl grey, gingerbread cookies?
Has no-one told Andrew you can put booze in hot chocolate?
To zest up sugar cookies, use the Princess flavoring (readers, think "traditional wedding cake" almond flavor) in the frosting recipe. A chain called Gigi's Cupcakes, of all places, introduced me to this idea through a middle-of-the-road soft/firm cookie.
Ordinary sausage collab when?
Wait he is not engaged anymore?
Gingerbread or Sugar Cookie?
Why are you hiding from ordinary sausage?
Gotta be the best interview lol