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Maria Bamford Answers Our Impossible Questions | Highly Debatable | GH

Starclean Professional Cleaning Service Tallahassee > House cleaning > Maria Bamford Answers Our Impossible Questions | Highly Debatable | GH

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Maria Bamford tackles our impossible questions and shares her opinions on chilled peanut butter, sparkling water, and her distaste for juice. Make sure to watch Maria on the latest season of “Everything’s Gonna Be Okay “, Thursdays on Freeform and Fridays on HULU.

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  1. My cat loves me so much, that apparently she wails for me when I'm gone (according to my husband). When I come home, she greets me and yells at me for being gone 😆

    "HOW could you LEAVE me?! Don't you know I need you HERE?!" It makes me feel very loved.

    She also tucks our 3 kids into bed every night 🥺 She's the best.

  2. Oh Ms. Bamford! It’s so comforting to know that you are out there answering these important questions, and guiding us through our everyday lives. I was hoping you would get to the “paper or plastic“ conundrum, but maybe next time?

  3. "there's so many things that have been going on in this country this year but i'm going to go with shoestring" why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?

  4. I love your work Maria! Ive been watching you since I saw your standup on comedy central 19 years ago! Keep being yourself (like you have a choice, right?), you are amazing even if you don't always feel like it!! <3

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