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New DYSON Flyaway Attachment vs. Frizzy Hair | Good Housekeeping

Starclean Professional Cleaning Service Tallahassee > House cleaning > New DYSON Flyaway Attachment vs. Frizzy Hair | Good Housekeeping

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We tested the new DYSON Anti-Flyaway attachment to see if it really lives up to all the hype. Jess tackles flyaways and frizziness at home and even in a professional salon to see just how well the Dyson gets her hair looking smooth with this new addition to the DYSON Supersonic hair dryer system. Check out more of our product reviews here:https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPzXoCgS5eJ2PLq2OjMrdGtXGxfI5yLeJ

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Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer System https://fave.co/3zety1r
Dyson Anti-Flyaway Attachment https://fave.co/3EqdnBZ

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  1. I really appreciate your review on curly and straight hair. I just bought the set with attachments and I used it on straight hair. I’m excited to see how it works on my curly hair. Thank you!

  2. She's acting like Jeffree Star refering to her hair in the third person…. If someone copies how are they honest? Real people out there let me know..if I get it and doesn't work I'll let you know X

  3. I have such fine straight-as-a-wire hair, that I can’t imagine wanting to flatten out your hair on top. I’d love to have strong and long curly hair. Would you like mine?

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