John Kanell of @Preppy Kitchen gives us a private tour of his amazing pantry to show us how his favorite dishes and table accessories are organized. Follow John for great recipes and entertaining ideas @Preppy Kitchen and be sure to visit John’s Preppy Kitchen Website for even more: https://preppykitchen.com/.
Absolutely my favorite kitchen!
Thank you so much. Believe it or not the way you store teacups has helped me with a major organizational dilemma. I would not have thought it was possible that they would stay upright when you open and close drawers but now that I saw it done in your kitchen, I can save lots of space and hassle.
Love this guy! His recipes are soooo good! I've made several of his recipes and they all come out fantastic ❤️
Oh man! So happy to see such an organized kitchen. It’s beautiful 😍
What are those arrows used for? Name Placement card?
His kitchen is the perfect blend of vintage and modern style
Beautiful kitchen 😍👌
this man is so fucking rich lol
You should come to my house… Great job John, but I have you ocd beat, lol…
I love John and Preppy kitchen and he has THE most amazing kitchen ever. That spice drawer, fantastic!
Wow so nice chef
Where can I buy your green & pink floral tea cups? They are so unique
i want to live next door and be friends sigh
Imagine having a drawer just for sprinkles? Wish I could relate
Love your organization
Glad to see John getting more exposure. Just saw a video he did for Delish. I really hope he ends up with a television show or featured spot on a show of some type. He's so good at what he does.
The organized linen's are fabulous!!! XOXO
I thought this would be something for NORMAL PEOPLE………………….NOT RICH PEOPLE
A beautiful and thoughtfully put together space for a kind, talented man and his dear family. Thank you, Mr. Kanell and GH for sharing with us! 🙂
Oh it’s gorgeous. I love it!!!!
This is my dream kitchen!
Whoa $$$$$$$
I Love it. But I also think I would go mad with the organization. But it's AMAZING!!! and I would have to have a much larger kitchen to organize all the different stations of cooking, preserving, baking, etc etc etc…. supplies. Awesome.
No children there for sure
Very beautiful .
I love it! But my daughter would destroy it 🤣