Five moms from across the country have a candid and honest discussion about their experiences as mothers and even how they really feel about parenting today compared to when they were kids. Tell us in the comments if any of their answers surprised you.
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Special thanks to our moms who participated and shared their stories:
Different point of views make this Motherhood process just a little easier!! We should share MORE and judge LESS!
Are you kidding! We have every appliance known to mankind (womankind) available today, plus childcare, healthcare, birth control, cars to drive, jobs so we don't have to rely on any one person financing the household, electricity, airfryers that will cook a meal unattended, non stop entertainment and news on TV for all the family. Give me a break.
As a grandma today, I really sympathize with today’s Moms. It does seem there are many additional stressors while raising kids today. I urge you all to find some way to take care of yourselves, recognizing that finding those moments is a challenge in itself. ❤️
That one woman who talks and talks and talks and talks and no one else gets a chance…..
I absolutely love when she said “All Moms are Magical” Yes we are!
Being a mom will ALWAYS be hard… it doesn't matter what times we live in
I disagree with this because when you are a kid, you see things from your point of few. Now it is the other way around.
Our kids now have so many things wich we use from our point of few.
My grandma and ma once told me, when I was a kid, that my life was simple because I had things then that they did not have. Example: there was a phone in the house which my mom and grandma did not have.